“The Hub reached so many children that sport in action would not have reached without it. Seeing the excitement to come for their sessions each week was inspiring and shows how important the hub is.”
“The Hub here in Kalingalinga, is beginning to transform our community.”
“The hubs give Sport In Action the ability to reach more girls with the Girls In Action programme, it enables us to identify and train more GIA leaders, it organically grows an ever strengthening GIA team with a large pool of ambassadors and trained leaders.”
“These netball sessions are so impactful, they are keeping our youth, safe, occupied and giving them a chance to progress in their lives. They are learning to become better people, through what we have here now.”
“When we played basketball growing up at Munali, there was about 10 girls that trained on a weekly basis. Now as the leaders/coordinators of the Munali Girls Basketball Hub, we get to change the lives of over 100 young girls and 10 young leaders now newly engaged in sport because of the hub site.”
”Before the Hub, I had never played basketball. Now I have improved enough and can coach it to over 150 children. Through the hub I’m doing my part in the world.”
“The Hubs have helped to reach so many more children. What SIA does is great, and so is the impact. With the hub structure you are multiplying that impact and those reached by massive numbers.”
”This hub has improved my current situation and my future. It is like a family to me now, I love it.”
“The Hub has impacted all of our lives. Not only has it impacted my life, or only the children’s lives, but this hub has impacted our entire community. The community see’s our value, and they see a group of leaders coming together, to drive the community where they live forwards.”
“I would just like to say thank-you, and that I think this netball hub is brilliant. As a community we deny so many girls the opportunity to play netball. If it wasn’t for this hub, I can say over 200 girls may be more vulnerable. People, children and even adults are even approaching me asking if they can join our netball hub, and they don’t belong to a school, they just want to be a part of our family. Without this hub so many opportunities would have been missed!”
“Volunteer Zambia truly is a unique opportunity that all with ambitions to work within the sport industry should strongly consider.”
“Volunteer Zambia is an amazing programme for many different reasons but the people made my experience. The fellow volunteers in the programme that you meet are so influential and they become your best friends.”

“Volunteer Zambia was one of the best experiences of my entire life, I would recommend anyone who is interested in sport and development to go!”

“I’ve learnt that most things are possible if you put your mind to them. Getting around Zambia in a wheelchair was a challenge at times, but with the help of other members of the group, I managed to do everything I was hoping to. I hope to work for the Foreign Office or an international NGO after leaving university, and believe Volunteer Zambia will improve my chances of getting this type of job. I would encourage other students to get involved, as they certainly won’t regret it! Volunteer Zambia has been one of the best experiences of my life and seeing just how grateful the players are really makes it worthwhile.”

“The overwhelming aura of community is contagious, there is a general sense of ‘tough love’ but in my opinion this breeds resilient youngsters and as a result strong independent young adults. The opportunity I had as the staff member for the UKSport IDEALS project is an extremely unique one and I cannot thank both the Wallace Group and UKSport enough. Thank you for a once in a lifetime opportunity I will treasure the memories!”

“Zambia was a life-changing experience for me. I will never forget the opportunities I had, the friendships I made and the children I coached. It will always be close to my heart.”

“My experience went beyond my expectations- it was undeniably amazing but I didn’t expect to become so rooted in Zambia. I really did not want to leave by the end of the 2 months. Some of the people I met in Zambia are by far the happiest people I know and that was inspirational.”

“When I go for PE I can get my mind off a lot of things, it really refreshes my mind. I learn a lot of things when I go for PE because its not all about having fun and keeping fit, we learn a lot on HIV & AIDS, drugs and substance abuse and what our rights are as children.”
“I would like to be a soccer trainer and join Sport In Action to teach my friends the dangers of HIV and AIDS, drugs abuse because what I have learnt here I want to share.”
“I used to try and segregate myself from others but the Volunteer Zambia sport program has made me find my true self, ever cheered with laughter and friends.”